Must attend all sessions: June 2, 3, 4, 5 (No exceptions)
Competency 1 encompasses the reading process with a focus on developing emergent literacy skills and progressing through the phases of word reading, resulting in comprehension as the final outcome. Teachers will develop substantive understanding of six components of reading as a process: oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The total inventory of Performance Indicators (A-G) satisfies Competency 1. (60 In-service hours)
Sign up in PLN
FREE to members of PCTA or PESPA
Non-member cost is $200 payable by the second class
submit a membership form to PCTA or PESPA and a commitment to remain a member at least until $200 of dues are collected.
Contact Kimberly Skukalak at or with questions.