2024-2025 Meeting Dates
1st Monday, 5:15 p.m.
March 3, 2025
April 7, 2025
May 5, 2025
Chair: Brennen Pickett
Email: brennendpickett@gmail.com
Staff: Paula Stephens
Zoom Link: https://aft.zoom.us/j/96636457547?pwd=0uQYa5bmYr6FmZLwbnfr3OQ7Inq7xw.1
Meeting ID: 966 3645 7547
Passcode: 208593
Membership Committee- shall recommend strategies, prepare promotional literature and organize activities to increase membership.
Committee Charges:
· A representative group from the committee will attend FEA’s Year Round Organizing (YRO) conference to help the committee set goals for the upcoming school year.
· Develop a membership plan with President/Executive Board approval to focus on the worksite leader to create teams to retain, recruit and empower members at each worksite.
· Work in conjunction with the Government Relations committee topics for ten-minute meetings during the legislative session to empower, inform and engage our members.
· Implement a strategy for engaging the representative council at each meeting in a membership activity to use at their work site the following month.