ZOOM class
Must attend all sessions: March 3, 6, 11, 13, 25, 27,
April 1, 3 (No exceptions)
Teachers will have a broad knowledge of students from differing profiles in order to understand and apply evidence-based instructional practices
by differentiating process, product and context. Teachers will engage in the systematic problem-solving process to identify characteristics of
conditions such as dyslexia, provide appropriate interventions and conduct effective progress monitoring. (60 In-service hours)
Sign up in PLN
FREE to members of PCTA or PESPA
Non-member cost is $200 payable by the second class
submit a membership form to PCTA or PESPA and a commitment to remain until $200 of dues are collected. https://www.pcta-pespa.org/
Contact Kimberly Skukalak at skukalek.edu@gmail.com or pcta-pespa@floridaea.org with questions.